
How to get rid of bags under your eyes

Do you want to know why your eyes are puffy or how you can get rid of under-eye bags? Bags under the eyes can be annoying, but they don’t affect your vision or health. There are both temporary and permanent solutions to reduce puffiness around the eyes.

What causes bags below the eyes?

You can get puffy eyelids for several reasons, including:

High salt diet: Consuming a lot of salted foods can cause you to retain fluid and lead to swelling.

Allergies : Inflammation and congestion from allergies may sometimes worsen puffiness under the eyes.

Medical Conditions: Certain health conditions, such as thyroid disorders, can cause swelling of the eyes.

Genetics Under-eye bags are a common physical trait that can run in families.

The natural aging process. As you age, your skin and muscles lose firmness.

Why Under-Eye Bags Form as You Age

Natural aging is the most common cause for under-eye bags and puffiness, says Shaun Desai M.D. a facial reconstructive and plastic surgeon at Johns Hopkins Center for Facial Plastic and Reconstructive surgery. Older skin tends to wrinkle or fall. Muscles and tissues surrounding the eye may also become weaker, contributing to a baggy appearance. This weakness allows the fat around the eye to bulge, giving it a bubble-like look.

How to get rid of eye bags

There are several ways to reduce under-eye puffiness depending on its cause. Home remedies can shrink the lower lids temporarily if they are swollen due to fluid accumulation under the eyes.

Home remedies for puffy eye syndrome

These quick fixes can help if you wake up occasionally with puffy eyes. These products work to reduce swelling, which will naturally subside over the course the day.

Cold compressesCooling reduces swelling and inflammation by reducing the blood flow. Place anything cold over your closed eyes, like an icepack, frozen vegetables, cucumber slices, or refrigerated teaspoons.

Hemorrhoid Creams: People apply over-the counter creams for hemorrhoids under their eyes. Ingredients such as phenylephrine can reduce swelling by narrowing blood vessels. Use these products with caution, as they may cause irritation to this sensitive area. It’s also important not to let this medication get into your eyes.

Coffee: The caffeine in coffee is a vasoconstrictor. It constricts the blood vessels. Many cosmetic companies sell eye creams that contain caffeine to reduce puffiness under the eyes. Try resting black tea bags that are caffeine-rich on your closed eyes.

Medical treatment for under-eye bags

These medical treatments can help reduce or even eliminate under-eye bags.

Nonsurgical Options: These treatments are noninvasive and smooth out the area under your eyes:

  • Filler: A filler (typically hyaluronic, a jellylike substance) is placed where the cheek and under-eye areas meet in order to smooth out the transition. Injections are performed under local anesthesia in the doctor’s office. The results last between six and twelve months.
  • Laser resurfacing – This treatment uses lasers to remove the surface layers of wrinkled skin under the eyes and stimulate new collagen production, leading to firmer skin. The results can last for years depending on the skin type and amount of sun exposure.
  • Chemical peel: By removing the superficial layers, a chemical peel can also treat wrinkled under-eye skin. A chemical solution is applied in the office to dissolve old skin cells, revealing tighter and brighter skin. Results can last for several years depending on your skin type, sun exposure and other factors.

Option Surgical Lower eyelid lifts (blepharoplasty), are outpatient procedures where the surgeon tightens and readjusts skin and muscle to give a smoother appearance. Lower eyelid lifts usually eliminate under-eye bags permanently. It’s rare that people need to have future touch-ups. Desai says that sometimes, patients need multiple treatments to treat their under-eye bags. For example, they may combine laser resurfacing and filler, or have an eyelid lifting.

How To Choose A Doctor

The area around the eyes is one of the most delicate parts of your face. If procedures are performed incorrectly, serious complications can occur. Finding a board-certified, highly experienced surgeon with a specialization in the treatment of eyelids is essential.

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