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Nourishing Your Dry and Flaky Leg Skin: Effective Remedies

Nourishing Your Dry and Flaky Leg Skin: Effective Remedies


The most irritating thing to deal with is dry skin on the legs. Itchy, red and irritated skin can ruin your look if it’s not treated. We consulted with three dermatologists who are board-certified and a celebrity to find out more about the causes of dry skin on legs. They also gave us some tips on how to deal with this common problem. Their tips and product recommendations–along with a few of our own–will help create a routine that nourishes and protects the skin from dryness.

Flaky Legs

Are you curious about why your legs tend to have the most dry skin? Ciraldo explains that the stratum corneum layer of dead cells on our skin is thicker in the leg area. This is why dry and flaky skin is so common. Vargas says that dry skin on the legs can be caused from sun exposure, lack exfoliation and even plane travel. Alcohol-containing scented lotions can also cause your skin to dry out.

Penzi continues, “Hot Showers can strip legs of natural oils and leave the skin very dried. Harsh soaps, fragrance products, etc. Can also strip skin of natural oils, causing an irritation dermatitis and compromise the skin barrier. Dry flaky legs can be caused by certain skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema. Bad shaving, waxing and other practices can also cause dry flaky legs. “Dry flaky legs” can also be caused by bad shaving, waxing, etc.

Dry skin is more common in winter. Ciraldo says that in colder temperatures, the skin’s ability to shed dead cells slows down and it produces less healthy skin oils.

Use a Buff Puff or a Dry Brush

Dry brushing is a great way to increase blood flow and stimulate collagen production. This will thicken your skin and reduce the appearance of fat.

Sweep the skin brush upwards before showering. Start at the top of your feet and brush up toward the heart. “Dry brushing increases circulation immediately, so you’ll feel warmer after you finish,” says she. Do not press too hard. It should feel vigorous, but not painful.

Ciraldo recommends a body buffing puff as another physical exfoliator. A buff puff works like a dry brush to remove dry skin and dead cells for a brighter, smoother look. Use it to prepare your skin before shaving or going outside in the sun.

Exfoliate with a Scrub

Vargas: “Exfoliation, my secret weapon for having beautiful skin,” says Vargas. You can make your own scrub by mixing 1/4 cup coconut oil with 1/4 cup honey and a cup brown sugar. The brown sugar is soft but strong enough to remove dirt from your pores. Exfoliating is recommended twice a week in the summer and once a week during winter. Honey is an antimicrobial and helps heal the skin. Coconut oil moisturizes deeply, while honey fights bacteria.

We love the brown sugar body scrub from Fresh. It’s made with a mixture of sweet almond, apricot kernal, and jojoba oil. The sweet smell will distract you from the fact that your dead skin is being removed.

Switch to Body Oil

Have you ever thought about whether your body wash could be drying out your legs. Switch to an oil-based formula like Glossier. This version is not as harsh on the skin and does not leave a greasy residue. Instead, it foams and then washes off, leaving only a slight hydration. Vargas says oil soothes troubled skin by moisturizing it and reducing irritation and redness. This will remove dirt and dead skin that has accumulated on your legs during the day. It also smells great.

Look for ingredients like Salicylic Acid

Yes, it can help dry legs. Shirazi suggests “Use chemical excfoliants which are also humectants, such as lactic or salicylic acids.” They can help to renew skin cells and prevent the buildup of dead skin. They also attract water, which stays in your skin. “They help to enhance the effects moisturizers.” Salicylic acid will not only help to exfoliate dry skin, but it can also prevent ingrown hairs and red bumps that may occur from shaving.

You can also treat yourself to a serious exfoliation at the spa. Vargas offers a full-body scrub (with massage included!) Using freshly grated coconut compressed. Paradise is a paradise.

Choose a Nourishing Cream

After exfoliating, it is important to use a hydrating and nourishing lotion. Ciraldo recommends using CeraVe Moisturizing cream. She adds that “CeraVe Cream contains ceramides – healthy skin oils which work to provide us with good barrier function. They trap moisture in damp skin.” This product gives skin a silky feeling and improves its radiance after just one application. You can expect your skin to look radiant until the evening if you use it in morning.

The best way to treat dry skin is by applying a moisturizing moisturizer on damp skin, ideally immediately after showering. The skin should not be completely dried as this helps to lock in moisture, leaving it smoother and hydrated. Shirazi suggests looking for moisturizers that contain ceramides, which support the skin’s barrier, as well as aloe vera and glycerin to calm the skin and nourish it, and Provitamin B5(panthenol), to calm the skin and nourish it, and occlusives such as shea butter, to keep the water in.

Try a cooling spray

Susanne Kaufmann’s clever spray was created to soothe itchy legs and revive tired ones. It’s perfect for long flights. It’s also almost mess-free, since it is a spray. It’s also perfect when you want to hydrate quickly and reliably without having to use oil or lotion.

Spend More Time in the Shower

Shower is the best place to begin your dry skin regimen. Ciraldo recommends starting with a fragrance-free product.

She says that you should then use an exfoliator, and finish with a moisturizing lotion. It may seem like a lot but it will work.

Showering with Lukewarm Water

We all know how wonderful a hot shower feels. It’s not good for your skin. Penzi’s recommendation? To take short, lukewarm showers. Shirazi adds that “high temperature water damages the skin cells, disrupts skin moisture barriers, accelerates water losses and causes more dryness.”

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