Cufflinks are not ordinary fashion accessories. A step above the utilitarian button, a cufflink evokes a more elegant era, a time when beauty rather than convenience was the prevailing rule of attire. This anachronistic quality makes cufflinks a bold fashion statement by modern wearers.
A cufflinks wearer could be expressing a greater awareness of the nuances of style, an appreciation of more formal or traditional apparel, or simply a desire to stand out from the crowd. Whatever statement you’re making with cufflinks, it’s important that such a bold statement be made correctly. Let’s begin with the shirt.
Tip #1 Cufflinks should never be worn with shirts or blouses that have only cuff buttons.
Source: Scoutmob
A cufflinks-appropriate shirt will feature holes on each side of the cuff rather than a single hole and button (with the exception of tuxedo shirts, which provide both a button and adjacent buttonhole). Cufflinks are traditionally worn with French cuff dress shirts, also known as link cuffs or double cuffs. An important thing to note about French cuffs is their size. The single cuff dress shirt is so common in the U.S. that the term is seldom even used here. A double cuff shirt has additional fabric at the sleeve end, creating a more dramatic (and sometimes flared) look that emphasizes your cufflinks.
Tips #2 Cufflinks should be worn with a suit or dress jacket.
Source: He Spoke Style
Some contemporary wearers will sport their cufflinks without a suit coat. This practice skirts the edges of acceptable attire, diminishing the smartness of your fashion statement and the attention the cufflinks will receive when not underlined by a jacket sleeve.
Tips #3 Cufflink color, material and style.
Source: The Idle Man
The general rule is to match the color of your cufflinks to another item in your outfit, be it your watchband, shirt, tie or jacket. For formal occasions, a cufflink/jacket color match is preferred.
Tips #4 How to put on cufflinks.
Source: Modern Man Collection
There are two ways in which your shirt cuffs can be positioned. The most stylish way is to pinch the sleeve ends together flat so that they extend out from your wrist. This is known as kissing cuffs. The alternative is to fold the cuff ends together cylindrically or barrel-style, as you would when using cuff buttons.
Cufflinks are often held in place with swivel bars. To begin with, insert the cuff link through the aligned holes (close the swivel bar before insertion). The cuff link should be positioned so that the colored/top side faces out with your arm at your side. Flip open the swivel bar to secure the cuff link, as shown in the photos.
With unique, fashionable cufflinks, you’ll always be impeccably dressed. It is a very little accessory but can go a long way in creating impressions amongst females in a party of office atmosphere. You might want to avoid wearing them for presentations as they tend to be a little distracting if you tend to move your hands around a lot while you speak. Otherwise, you are all set!