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63-year-old Christie Brinkley’s Anti-aging Beauty Secrets

Christie Brinkley, a gorgeously ageless lady, a supermodel, that dominated the covers of fashion mags for about 40 years. We have seen the ravishing model, posing in bikinis, on the beaches. She is going to turn 63 this year. That’s really shocking. Today, she is a mother of three. No one can guess her age. But the fact is, Christie Brinkley is 60 plus and you know what? She never had any cosmetic surgery (the most sought-after trend today). She is a great source of inspiration for all the women who want to stay young even in their 60’s. Let’s get some inspiration from her age-defying secrets, straight from her life.

Secret of Christie Brinkley Timeless Beauty

According to Christie, being thankful for all the blessings that you have, is the biggest anti-aging secret. “When you feel good, you look good, being flexible and grateful contributes a lot to your happiness, which contributes to your health and to your looks.” According to her, her mother is her biggest inspiration and she has learned a great deal from her mom. According to her, her mother was the ‘original health nut’. Besides this, here we have enlisted each and every detail that you would love to know about her beauty and skincare routine.

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source: pinterest

Christie Brinkley Skincare Routine

In an interview of her to Elle, she unveiled her secret ‘exfoliation, exfoliation, exfoliation. To her, removing that layer of dead skin cells on daily basis is one of the most important things to do. That’s why she opts for deep tissue massage regularly. To get the best results, she has always ensured to cleanse and moisturize her skin regularly. Other factors include, wearing sun protection and intaking of a lot of fluids to keep the skin hydrated. In Christie’s views, every woman should feel beautiful. If she is confident enough about the way she looks, she has won the half battle. All a woman need is to have that X-factor. And a good health is the key to that. Great advice Christie!

source: pinterest

Christie Brinkley Beauty Sleep

She is a firm believer of getting a good deal of sleep. After so many tiring tasks that one has to perform, throughout the day it gets essential to get your beauty sleep. She too tries her best to get hers.

Christie Brinkley Diet

There came a stage in Christie’s life where she turned vegan. And the reason seems quite interesting, in her own words, “I made the decision to become vegetarian at age 13, because I loved animals and didn’t want to be a part of the slaughter industry,” Ingestion of fresh fruits and vegetables are one of the biggest secrets behind her refreshing and glowing skin. She loves to eat all the colorful fruits and veggies, like she herself says, ‘go for as many colors (of fruits and vegetables) as possible in a day.” She eats fish occasionally. But that too depends on the place, for example, being on a seaside, fish could be the preferred option. Here is what she said in an earlier interview of her, “My great luxury in life is my private chef, who is trained in healthy cooking.” She is extremely particular, even in her choice of dairy food. she prefers to intake goat’s or sheep’s milk only. And we all know the benefits of goat milk for a clean and clear skin.

source: pinterest

Christie Brinkley without Makeup

Christie has got a glowing and healthy skin. And she looks perfect and half of her age, even without makeup. She often posts her without makeup images on Instagram. She just looks damn good in them. There is an array of reasons behind her perfect skin, these include; her perfect skin care routine, her natural (not processed) diet, use of supplements, vitamins (biosil) and laser skin treatment.

source: pinterest

Christie Brinkley Workout Plan

Movement is life, that line defines Christie’s workout routine perfectly. Her slim-fit body and perfection of figure, all is resulted from her untiring routine and her multi-tasking skills. She is constantly involved in some form of exercises, throughout the day. Even when she brushes her teeth, she opts for some leg exercises. According to her, her workout plan includes; yoga, exercise, swimming, stretching, dancing, pushups and squatting. To her, mixing all of it brings the real fun in life. And that is what we see in her own self. You know how much does Christie Brinkley weigh? She was about 120 pounds or 54 kg in 2016. That’s perfect for any woman in her 60’s.

source: celebrity fitness health

Christie Brinkley Beauty Products

We know Christie owns her own beauty line. Once she was asked, why she opted for Christie Brinkley Cosmetics and skincare line. And she replied, “If you can’t find what you want, create it.” Her beauty line has outnumbered amazing products, especially for aging women. Most of Christie Brinkley beauty products focus around fighting wrinkled skin, getting perfect sun protection to get rid of those weird looking dark spots. Her other amazing products include;

If you too want to try her beauty secrets, do try her amazing products. There are ways to shop for Christie Brinkley beauty products. Firstly, you can buy them directly from her company’s website. Amazon and Ebay too can provide you with all of her beauty products. Christie suggests everyone to try her beauty products to deal with several skin-related issues. If you don’t feel satisfied, go get yourself checked by some dermatologist. Discuss your issues, and you’ll surely get your answer. Doing all that, just make sure that your spirit is lifted.

source: pinterest

Conclusion: Each and every detail of Christie’s life has a great tip for all the aging women. Just like her, you too can delay your age by following a more natural lifestyle. According to Christie, staying positive is the best thing that you can do for yourself. As she believes, “Nothing looks better on you than happiness, and that’s in your own hands.”

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